Enable 2-factor authentication (2FA)
Category Account and Security | Number of views 1135

Two-step verification adds an extra layer of protection to your account. Whenever you sign in to our website, you'll need to enter both your password and also a security code generated by your authenticator app on your mobile.

Steps to enable 2-Factor Authentication:
1. Log in to your Snail Mail Friends account
2. Go to Account > Account & Security
3. Navigate to 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)
4. Follow the instructions on your screen
5. Click on the Go to next step button
6. Enter the code we send to your email address and enter your 6-digit 2FA security code provided by your Google Authenticator App
7. Click on the Verify button
8. Copy the backup codes and press Yes, I have saved the backup codes in a safe place
9. Click on the Enable 2FA button

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