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How to find the rating I gave on a past swap.
by <Hidden> on July 23, 2024 - 2:01 AM
Total posts: 25
Location: United States

I messaged a swapper that I had not received their swap & they resent.  Now I can't find the swap & how to rate her.  It is not in my incoming swaps & my archived only shows the rating I received.


How to find the rating I gave on a past swap.
by <Hidden> on July 25, 2024 - 10:43 PM
Total posts: 353
Location: Netherlands

Your swap should have a unique Swap ID for registration. If the resend option was used, it will still be considered the same swap. Enter the Swap ID to view details and provide a rating. Register a swap.

If the swap was late and you moved it to the inactive list (the hide swap option), it will be there. To find inactive swaps, go to your incoming swaps and click the "Inactive Swaps" button. Inactive swaps. But it should not be necessary because you can register the ID and the swap should come up.

Founder of Snail Mail Friends, spreading happiness through Snail Mail. Making the world a happier place, one snail mail at a time ^_^

Re: Re: How to find the rating I gave on a past swap.
by <Hidden> on July 30, 2024 - 8:12 PM
Total posts: 353
Location: Netherlands
YooperHill wrote:

I messaged a swapper that I had not received their swap & they resent.  Now I can't find the swap & how to rate her.  It is not in my incoming swaps & my archived only shows the rating I received.

Were you able to enter the Swap ID and/or find the swap?

Founder of Snail Mail Friends, spreading happiness through Snail Mail. Making the world a happier place, one snail mail at a time ^_^