Send a swap

We are excited to offer you a variety of ways to connect and share your creativity through the mail. Here are the different modes we have available for you to choose from.

We hope that you find a mode that appeals to you and that you have fun connecting with other members of our platform. To make your Snail Mail experience even more enjoyable, choose one of the above modes and have fun sending and receiving mail.

Random Act of Kindness

This feature allows you to send a random act of kindness swap to a friend without requiring approval. The recipient is not required to send a swap back to you.

You have to login to use this function.

Personal Swap

Initiate a direct swap with a specific friend. You will send something to a friend, and that friend will send something back to you.

You have to login to use this function.

Initiate a direct postcard swap with a specific friend. You will send a postcard to a friend, and that friend will send one back to you.

You have to login to use this function.

Random Swap

In this mode, you can initiate a swap with a random member on the platform. The system randomly selects the recipient, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the process.

Random Postcard

Similar to the Random Swap mode, this mode allows you to initiate a postcard swap with a random user on the platform. The system will randomly select the recipient.

One Way random postcard

This feature allows you to send a postcard to a random person without requiring approval. The recipient is not required to send a postcard back to you.