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Help needed identiying a crafting tool/object!
by <Hidden> on February 06, 2025 - 3:22 AM
Total posts: 4
Location: United States

Hi everyone! 

I recently purchased some 6x6 inch paper online and the shop was nice enough to include a free gift. The problem is...I don't know what the free gift is. I looked all over the shop website and I don’t see anything similar for purchase. I emailed the shop and haven't heard back yet. I was hoping one of you would recognize the item any explain what it is. 

The item is a piece of plexiglass/acrylic that's approximately 8 inches (205mm) long. There’s a fancy foam bracket/parenthesis shape attached to one side. I thought it was a template for creating a decorative edge, but there’s no way to fit a pencil under it to trace the shape on paper. Then I thought it was a possibly a stamp, but it’s huge and the foam is really smooth and squishy (probably not an ideal material for stamping). 

If anyone has seen anything like this, please let me know. I’m fairly new to paper crafting and just don’t have the knowledge to identify what it is.

Thanks everyone!

Re: Help needed identiying a crafting tool/object!
by <Hidden> on February 08, 2025 - 1:08 AM
Total posts: 2
Location: United States

Huh. I have no idea but now I'm curious! I hope you'll update us if you find out what it is!